Thoughts From The Dollhouse

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Lovely and Talented

This weekend I had to opportunity to spend some time with my friend, the lovely and talented, Lindsay Keane and her family. Lindsay "Lulu" was in Columbia visiting her younger sister who is a student at USC. Lindsay brought her three year old son into town with her. I have known him since the day he was born. He is such a joy. I read to him. I read him a book called "Knuffle Bunny". It was pretty good. He liked it so much he made me read the story twice. I love children's books. The are the best. A few of my favorite are The Giving Tree, Dog Breath, and The Rainbow Fish. Lindsay has always been very artistic and is gifted with a beautiful voice. She has recently gottten a producer and has been putting out songs like crazy. Watch out, she is going to be famous!

On the LuLu Playlist
Family Time by Lindsay Keane
Pretty Lies by Linsday Keans

for further information on Lindsay's songs check out her myspace.


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